How to Clean Hog Maws & Chitterlings

Nowadays not to many people know how to clean hog maws and chitterlings the right way. I guess for many, the art of cleaning hog maws and chitlins was not passed done a generation. Instead the properly way to clean and prepare these meats were taken to the grave by our ancestors.  No worries, you can still learn how it's done.

Did you know there is a totally different way to clean hog maws when compared to cleaning chitterlings. Most folks clean chitlins before they cook them, where as with the hog maws some folks boil them first and then you remove the on wanted parts of the meat. However, some people I know will clean the hog maws first before boiling them. It just depends.

How to Clean Hog Maws

Raw Hog MawsRaw Hog Maws

Boil before you clean method:

Over medium heat, boil hog maws in a pot of water for 25-50 minutes. Let the meat cool and then remove the unwanted fat and other material. Once removal is complete slice the hog maws into thin pieces.

Clean before you boil method:

Nov 16, 2016
Cleaning Hog Maws (by: Anonymous) 
I would wash them in a mixture of vinegar and salt water to make sure all bacteria is removed and other matter. Vinegar works wonders and cleanses anything.

Dec 21, 2008
Best Way To Clean Hog Maws (by: Tony)
Rinse and soak the hog maws in cold water. While meat is soaking you can began to clean them. Hand pick away excess fat and specks of unwanted matter on the maws. Repeat the rinse, soak and clean cycle three or four time to thoroughly clean your hog maws.                   

How to Clean Chitterlings

Dec 22, 2016
The best way to clean chitterlings (by: Becky from Virginia)  
Soak chitterlings in salt water until thwarted. The first round of cleaning should be in very warm water. After you pull off the membrane place in cold vinegar water. Now in plain water without the vinegar rinse, rinse, and rinse until the water is clear and you don't see any membrane or dirt, etc.

Now it's time to cook the chitterlings. Put them in a pot of boiling water and boil for five minutes. Pour off water and drain. Wash the pot, return chitterlings , add your cooking seasonings some hog maws and small cut onion. When the chitlins are almost done add vinegar to your taste and add some hot sauce for color. I can't tell nobody when I am cooking them because everybody want some. Enjoy! 

Nov 18, 2014
Cleaning Chitterlings and Hog Maws (by: Jena)
My family and I just love CHITTERLINGS AND HOG MAWS. Cleaning can be excessive. Before I began cleaning, I defrost and prewash. The pre-washing definitely defuse the smell. I remove the membrane too and prick the edges. I take my time. 

I wash them a second time and soak them in vinegar for 30 to 45 minutes. Wash them again and package them for freezing. I put in hog maws to make the chitterlings stretch. The maws should be semi frozen before cleaning and the fat will peel right off. Then I cut them into strips, wash, soak in vinegar, wash, and prepare for freezing. Maws must be completely cooked.

I add chitterling in with the maws, re-season and let them cook. Maws will not be overcooked but melt in your mouth. I loved reading the previous responses. We do have "removing the membrane in common. LOTS OF CLEAN COOKS!

Nov 11, 2014

New Way to Clean (by: Anonymous)
Ok I have South Carolina and New York history when it comes to cleaning chitlins. I found a much easier way to clean rather than slave all day. First once chitterlings are thawed out put in pot to boil. This attacks bacteria right away before washing. Boil for 10 to 20 minutes. Then put in large drain buckets(2). Put on plastic gloves and get soft or medium toothbrush unused please(lol).

Now after chitlins have cooled a bit use brush to identify the dirt on the skins. The reason you boil before cleaning is it does turn white or bleach like and makes it easier to identify the dirt. The boil itself already had eliminated 20 to 50% of bacteria and dirt.

Now like everyone says you separate the the thin layer but not always because it is part of the flavor chitlins. What I do is use the toot brush as it scraps and get the dirt much easier and faster than my fingers.  Trust me ya'll you save a lot more time doing this and I got this from my aunt back in the 70's but twisted it up a bit. Using a toothbrush is more effective.

After you clean them you run through water over and over again a few time. Then add your seasoning. I personally use chive flakes, garlic powder, accent season, tenderizer, bell pepper flakes, salt. The person that mention you shouldn't smell them right when they are cooking because if clean properly it should eliminate smell quickly. I sell plates sometimes during the late fall and winter and this system works very good.

See more ways of how to clean chitterlings and chitlins