How To Make Hash

by Charlotte

Looking to make hash, that goes with pulled pork. This hash is served back home in south Carolina, in Holly Hill at one of the BBQ restaurants. It's served over rice. It is great . I have tried looking all over for the recipe. I may not be calling right. The color of the sauce in cream red, it might have meat in the sauce. I know one place Sweatman BBQ. Can you help me please?

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Feb 20, 2021
My suggestion for eal hash
by: Butch Mckie

These Hash recipes are fine for the home cook; however, they are adapted from the originals and not the heirloom versions. Old-time cooks used everything on the hog that was not cooked over the pit (except the eyes and some organs).

There were no alternatives. Cook it or have it spoiled. You needed a BIG cast iron pot to cook hash.

Chicken and beef are modern additions. They stretch the hash and add flavor. For the home cook, the ratios of pork, beef & chicken can change the flavor, I use 6 pork,2 beef. 1 chicken.

Jun 13, 2016
by: S. Dingle

I love Sweatman BBQ. When I travel to Eutawville, SC I make it my business to go there . My mom once worked there . Can someone please , please give me the recipe for the bbq hash . Thanks ! Boston resident

Jan 27, 2015
carolina style hash
by: gamecock4life

Always use Pork or Chicken or both, then add equal amounts of taters and onions. add a good quality mustard based bbq sauce, some vinegar and Worcestershire sauce. Add some salt and pepper to taste. Let it slow cook for a couple hours stirring every now and then. Serve over hot rice and enjoy.

Dec 27, 2014
South Carolina Pork Hash and Rice
by: Anonymous

I have always made mine with pulled or chopped smoked Boston butt pork and simmered it in chicken stock with vinegar, celery, and onions. Then season with pepper and serve over a bowl of hot rice.

Dec 27, 2010
South Carolina Hash
by: Dru

Hash is one of the wonders of South Carolina. I grew up in Wilmington NC and never heard of Hash till I moved to the Low Country of SC. Recipes are hard to find. As Earl Dukes of Dukes BBQ told me one time, "BBQ and Hash change every 30 miles here in SC". I found that to be so true. The hash you spoke of at Sweetmans is one of my favorites along with Dukes and Antleys. These Hashes are pureed to a sauce and served over rice. The basic recipe for this is pork liver and or pork, tomatoes, potatos, onion, SC mustard base BBQ sauce. These again are the basics. I make it with chicken breast and it turns out very good and little more healthy. The meat ratio should be about 2 parts, Tomatoes 1 part, Potatos 3/4 part, onion 3/4 part, and BBQ sauce to taste. Hope this helps!

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